Happy white day x movie day

Woman in black today. I didnt know that it's a horror movie until I bought the tickets. Dafuq! And I think my friends and I were quite ...

Woman in black today. I didnt know that it's a horror movie until I bought the tickets. Dafuq! And I think my friends and I were quite lucky cause we watched the movie for free, for FREE! It's all because there's a whole bunch of Digi workers standing at the ticket selling counter. According to what they told us, if you're a Digi user, they'll pay for your movie tickets. But the deal is just per person, one Digi user for one movie ticket. *cheerstothatpeeps! And it's limited. We were the last few ones before they left. We're lucky right? Woman in black was freaking scary. And I dont wanna mention about it. You guys should watch it if you havent watched it yet.

The blogger!

Went home and started preparing to attend class. I got a pink rose today! The feeling was awesome. The last time I got roses was 2010. 

Thank you xxx

Another lucky thing is I went Sushi Zento for dinner yesterday and I met Edo Ichi's captain there. I got free icecreams! I think there is linkage between Sushi Zento and Edo Ichi? Sushi Zento is a quite ideal place for fresh sashimi. The food are all yummy.

Sashimi combo x yakiniku buta

They sell pork there but their all imported pork, and its super yummy compared to local pork. I totally recommend the place and their sashimi is superb.

Found this song randomly when I was Youtube-ing Justin Bieber's 18 birthday and I saw her singing in the party, The somg kinda got stucked in my head now. I like it! The MV is pretty cute and funny in the ending and the guy's sexy.

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