Ringgit heart shape ring, how to?
1:41 PMMarch Valentines day is tomorrow soon. What I've heard from my high school friends, every month's 14th is Vday, each with different meaning. Vday is all about love. No matter you dont have a boyf/girlf or like what I see people name themselves forever alone, you still have family and friends. If you're the singles out there, enjoy life while you're single. Pamper yourself more. Don't expect love to come to you when you don't even know how to cherish yourself and people around you included your family. Ikr!
Promised to teach you guys how to fold a heart shape ring! The steps are all here now. Hope you guys like it! Sorry for the suckish photo quality, they're all captured using webcam, my freaking camera suicide at the sea on NYE. Hunting for a new camera!
Youtube for the whole morning, rewatched Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez one year anniversary. I was like awwwwww! All the way!
Lovey dovey!