8:46 AMFinally I'm done with my first semester! I've been waiting for it so long, real long. Everything's starting to get back on track and I'm surely getting my blog alive back. But I don't think you all, readers are still here. I've lost so many readers after not updating for so long. I'm trying my best to spare some time for blogging but I dont think I manage to do so.
I can't even say my exam was easy but at least I've tried. Maths T is the most nerve racking among all. I don't think I can even score that subject T.T If you did follow my Facebook or Twitter, you should know how much I rant about hehe.
If you're one of my Instagram followers, yes I really got myself a bunny. I've been wanting it so badly and now it's the 3rd bunny in my life. For now, this little bunny is just too cute and I cant even complain about.